segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

Sofra com a verdade, mas não se iluda com a mentira

Achei essa frase na internet, como sempre, mas não sei de quem é. Eu simplismente achei ela, a frase, interessante. Me fez refletir sobre mentiras e verdades (Sério...). Mas enfim, chega de encher linguiças (Muitas linguiças, muitas linguiças) e vamos ao que realmente interessa.
Vou pegar o gancho do que eu falei no post anterior. A Vida (de viver, por favor) é bipolar, segundo a minha teoria, concorde ou discorde quem quiser. Agora percebam o quanto ela tem lógica.
Normalmente quando conhecemos pessoas novas, para serem nossos amigos ou sei lá o quê, nós esperamos sinceridade dessa pessoa. Chegamos a dizer: "Não importa o que seja ou aconteça, me conte sempre a mais pura verdade." No início (claro, que na maioria dos casos) tudo é lindo e perfeito. Todos se amam e todos são verdadeiros uns com os outros. O juramento ainda está na ponta da lingua. Um tempo passou, e uma das pessoas resolveu mudar o cabelo, mas o que aconteceu é que o(a) amigo(a) não gostou desse novo visual. Ai é que vem o ponto chave da minha teoria. Se o(a) amigo(a) resolver falar a verdade, no caso a opinião dele, ele vai ser considerado o vilão. A pessoa que mudou o cabelo vai chamar a pessoa de arrogante e que não precisava ser tão sincera, que aquilo tinha magoado ela (PS.: isso é uma generalização). Mas vamos para a segunda opção do(a) amigo(a): mentir, ou como muitos gostam - omitir a verdade ou meia-verdade. Enfim, tudo é MENTIRA. Caso o(a) amigo(a) faça isso, alguem alguma hora, em algum lugar, vai falar a verdade para a pessoa. E o que acontece? O amigo vai ser consiederado o vilão de novo.
Então eu falo: "PELO O AMOR DO NOSSO QUERIDO DEUS! TRATE DE SE CONFORMAR COM A VERDADE!". Eu sei que para muitos isso é um tanto difícil. Mas nunca deixe de falar a verdade. Ela é essencial para qualquer ser humano que for.
Pense que assim como é maravilhoso ouvir verdades que soam liricamente nos nossos ouvidos, também é muito bom saber que o amigo que diz a verdade é o que te ama e te quer bem. Ou melhor: sejam crianças e falem o que lhe vier na mente - basta associar isso à cautela de um adulto. XD

Dedicado a todos os meus amigos. Sempre direi a verdade, mesmo que essa doa. Mas se doer, estarei ao seu lado para te confortar.

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

I was searchin an imposing phrase to my post. So, I found that. In a generic way, the Life is like a person that always discourages yourselves. Analyze your Life. Whenever you are so bad the Life takes advantage of your situation at the moment. It says how you are so lonely, even with so many friends around you. It says how you are unhappy, even with so many reason to laugh. It says how you are dull, even though of your intelligence. It says how you are ugly, even with the other sayin' the inverse. We have to know how the life is bipolar. It behaves accordin' your situation. When you are down, I just said. But when your are up, the posture changes. It tries to deny all it said 'bout you when you were down. 
Particulary, I have three manners to treat the bipolar way of the life in general: God, family and friends. Both is for your entire life. God is who you talks, even though He knows all. Family is the group that God chosen to you, bein' or not bein' a blood family. Friends is the family you choose, possibly for the eternity - or not. Endin' my post based in an anomimous citation, i ask to you read The Menstrel, by Shakespeare:
After a while you learn the difference, the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love does not mean leaning. And company does not always mean security. Begins to learn that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises.
Begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of an adult and not the grief of a child.
Learn how to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much time.
And you learn that no matter how much you care, some people simply do not care ... and accept that no matter how good a person, it will hurt you every once in a while and you need to forgive her for that. You learn that talking can relieve emotional pain.
Discover that it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it ...
And you can do things in a moment of which you will regret for life. Learn that true friendship continues to grow even over long distances.
And what matters is not what you have in life, but who you have in life.
And what good friends are the family we choose.
Learn that we do not have to change friends if we understand that friends change ...
Realizes that his best friend and you can do anything, or nothing, and have good times together. Find the people you most care about in life are taken from you so quickly ... so we should always leave loved ones with loving words, may be the last time we see them. You learn that the circumstances and environments have influence on us, but we are responsible for ourselves. Begins to learn that you should not compare with others, but the best it can be.
Discover that it takes a long time to become the person you want to be, and that time is short.
You learn that no matter where it came, but where you're going ... but if you do not know where you're going, any road will do.
You learn that either you control your acts, or they will control ... and that being flexible does not mean being weak, or have personality, because no matter how delicate and fragile the situation is, there are always at least two sides.You learn that heroes are people who did what was necessary to do, facing the consequences. You learn that patience requires a lot of practice.
You discover that sometimes the person you expect to be kicked when you fall is one of the few that help you get up.You learn that maturity has more to do with the types of experiences you had and what you learned from them than with how many birthdays you've celebrated. You learn that there are more of your parents in you than you thought.
You learn that you should never tell a child that dreams are silly ...
Few things are so humiliating, and would be a tragedy if she belived in it.
You learn that when you are angry has the right to be angry, but that does not give you the right to be cruel. Discover that just because someone does not love the way you want love does not mean that someone does not love you with everything you can because there are people who love us, but do not know how to show or live that.
Learn that it is not always enough to be forgiven by someone ...
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
You learn that with the same harshness you judge, you will be convicted at some point.
You learn that no matter how many pieces your heart was broken, the world does not stop for you to fix it. You learn that time is not something that can come back.
So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure ... that is really strong, and can go much farther than you think you can not anymore. And that life really has value and that you have value in life! Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we could win if it were not afraid to try.

fuck you everybody!